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Just FX have a number of different Pyrotechnic Controllers amongst our hire stock, including many of Le Maitre's control solutions, enabling us to offer a range of different firing options, from confidently igniting a single Pyrotechnic device, to firing a number of devices in a sequence. We also have a wide range of Pyro Hardware available to hire. Holders to fit Pyrotechnic Pods, as well as Hardwired devices, including Line Rocket Holders, Fragmentation Tanks and Concussion Pots.
Special Effects & Pyrotechnics can be dangerous when used by individuals without the required knowledge, experience and training. We would not advise anybody to hire/purchase any equipment/supplies that they are not comfortable with using. When hiring/purchasing Special Effects & Pyrotechnics from us, we will expect you to have Public Liability Insurance in place, Just FX cannot be held responsible for any incidents caused by the misuse of the equipment/products hired/purchased. Just FX also cannot provide any Risk Assessments along with the supply of equipment & products, this must be carried out by the hirer/operator, taking into account prevailing environments in which the equipment is being used.
020 8493 0527 / OFFICE@JUSTFX.CO.UK
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